College Recruiting

A Long Success Record Of Graduating Athletes To The Collegiate Level

We have in-house recruiting coordinators, directors, and coaches who are dedicated to helping our players achieve their volleyball goals. We also utilize various online recruiting platforms and other resources to help our athletes have the best chance of being recruited to play in college. CJV has partnered with SportsRecruits and Hudl to ensure players and coaches have the tools to succeed.

Recruiting Coordinator & Staff

CJV has a dedicated recruiting coordinator, as well as several CJV staff members and CJV coaches who are heavily involved with SportsRecruits, recruiting communication, and Hudl. For questions, please email [email protected] .


In an effort to continue to grow and provide our athletes with the BEST resources possible especially in regards to recruiting. We have decided to upgrade to SportsRecruits this recruiting service provides extensive resources in regards to a schools volleyball program, academics, and campus life all in one area!

This recruiting service was built with both clubs and collegiate programs in mind and has consistently taken feedback from both to provide the best product possible to student athletes. This service will provide our athletes and CJV itself with a plethora of information about schools, both their academic and athletic programs all in one place easy to access!

  • Access to every College coach with built-in messaging
  • See when coaches open your email AND click on your profile
  • A dedicated Gmail™ extension to maximize deliverability
  • Unlimited, professional highlight video
  • Track profile activitiy with all coaches in real-time
  • Personalized match % with college recommendations
  • Organize your player info and video in Recruit Finder
  • Easily compare and get insight into target Colleges

SportsRecruits Profiles By Recruiting Class

College Board

Visit College Board to access more information on personalized recommendations and access to your PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, and AP scores and more.

SAT Information

SAT Dates and info…

NCAA Eligibility Center


You need to be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at an NCAA Division I or II school. Create a Certification Account and we’ll guide you through the process.

You need to create a Certification Account to make official visits to Divisions I and II schools or to sign a National Letter of Intent.


Create a free Profile Page if you plan to compete at a Division III school or are not yet sure where you want to compete.

You’ll get an NCAA ID, and we will send you important reminders as you complete high school.