Practice & Play


PRACTICE & PLAY: Beginner Program

The goal of the CJV Practice & Play Program is to allow all players to meet once a week, on Sundays, for 7-9 weeks to practice and play volleyball. Each weekend the CJV coaches will work on skills development and practice the first part of each day and then playing games and drills the second half of each day. This program is ideal for beginner athletes who have never played volleyball before! Players are grouped together by skill level and age.

The CJV Practice & Play Program is designed for 3rd – 8th Graders. Based on the number and ages of the girls registering, the plan is to divide girls into groups based on their age and skill level. Adjustments in groups may be made to ensure all girls are able to learn and play volleyball at a level they are comfortable with. Requests to play with friends will be allowed if at all possible.


Winter 2024-25

This season will run from January – March

Spring 2025

This season will run from March 23 – May 25

Registration opens Feb 10th at 7:00am

Summer 2025

This season will run from June – July

Fall 2025

This season will run from September – November

Practice Information

Practice and Play will meet once a week for 1.5 hours on Sundays. South teams will practice at the Sports Connection-Granite Street, North teams will practice at Sports Connection-Northlake.

Practice and Play 1:00pm – 2:30pm on Sundays

Program Information

Refund / Credit Policy

Refund or credit requests will be issued until the first Friday of the season.


Login to CourtReserve for cost – (Includes T-Shirt)*

Zero Tolerance Policy

3-STRIKE SYSTEM – CJV enforces a 3-strike system when it comes to disciplining players who violate CJV’s sportsmanship requirements. Violations include, but are not limited to, bullying in practice or over social media, inner team conflicts, substance abuse (including vaping) in a CJV gym, and demonstrations of poor sportsmanship. CJV leadership reserves the right to suspend or dismiss players from the team at any time, regardless of how many strikes the player has received already.

Strike 1 – player is suspended from practice; a meeting with the directors, parents, and player is required.

Strike 2 – player is suspended from the next game day; a meeting with the directors, player, and directors is required.

Strike 3 – player will be dismissed from the team; a meeting with the parent, player, and directors is required.