Gold Team Program

The goal of GOLD teams is to provide a team setting for the intermediate to advanced level player with more specific team training and individual development. Playing time may not be equal in all league games, but each player will play in each league match each weekend.

The Gold Level will require tryouts and only the best players will be selected for teams. Most teams will probably practice and play games at the same or similar times per age group.

Teams will practice twice a week and compete in a series of local league competitions or mini tournaments on the weekends over a span of 6-9 weeks, depending on the season. The weekend volleyball matches are designed to provide a fun and competitive environment with no out of town traveling. Having games played locally will not only give all players great practice and competition, but also save time and money on travel, and allow the players (and their families) to participate in other sports or activities on the weekends.


The Gold Level will require tryouts and only the best players will be selected for teams.
Registration is required to tryout. No Walk-Ins.

Winter 2024-25

This season will run from January 6th – March 2nd

Game weekends: Feb 1-2, Feb 8-9, Feb 15-16, Feb 22-23, & Mar 1-2

Spring 2025


This season will run from March 31st – June 1

Game Weekends: April 26-27, May 10-11, May 17-18, May 31-June 1

Summer 2025

This season will run from June 9th – July 27th

Fall 2025

This season will run from September 29th – November 23rd


We understand that some players may have to miss part or all of tryouts due to other commitments. Though it it preferred that players do their best to attend both tryouts, they will not be penalized if they cannot attend one or both days. If the player must miss tryouts, please reach out to [email protected] to discuss other options, if any. Tryouts are closed to spectators.

If you do not make a Gold Level Team, you will automatically be placed on a Silver Level Team. If you decide not to play on a Silver Level Team please email [email protected] within first week of season start to receive a credit/refund on your account. No credits or refunds will be given after the first week of practice.

Gold Practices

Each Level will have 1-2 practices per week for 1.5 hours each on Mondays and Wednesdays. South teams will practice at the Sports Connection-Granite Street, North teams will practice at Sports Connection-Northlake.

8th-12th Grade Gold will practice from 4:30pm – 6:00pm

6th-8th Grade Gold will practice from 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Game Days

Teams can expect to play 4-6 games per season at our Granite Street or Northlake Facility. Most games take place Friday-Sunday. The Fall, Winter, and Spring season will all end with an end of season tournament.

*Your player’s game schedule can be viewed through your CourtReserve account once it’s been finalized.

Program Information

Teams could play on any day of the week, but most games will be Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday each week. Not all teams will play all weeks. Games could be at South or North location. A complete schedule will be posted when teams are formed.

Refund / Credit Policy
Refund or credit requests for each season are due by the first Friday of practice.

Login to CourtReserve for cost – (Includes T-Shirt)*

There will be teams and practices at both CJV Volleyball Centers (North and South ). League games will be held primarily at the South Charlotte (Sports Connection-Granite Street) and North Charlotte (Sports Connection-Northlake) locations.

Age Group / Teams
6th – 8th Graders
8th – 12th Graders

Each team will have up to 12 players. Player requests to play with friends will be allowed when possible, but may not be possible in all cases. The Gold program form teams based on positions and schools, so friend request accommodations are not likely.

Playing Time
All players will receive playing time at each league competition, but playing time may not be equal in all league games at the Gold Level.

Zero Tolerance Policy
3-STRIKE SYSTEM – CJV enforces a 3-strike system when it comes to disciplining players who violate CJV’s sportsmanship requirements. Violations include, but are not limited to, bullying in practice or over social media, inner team conflicts, substance abuse (including vaping) in a CJV gym, and demonstrations of poor sportsmanship. CJV leadership reserves the right to suspend or dismiss players from the team at any time, regardless of how many strikes the player has received already.
Strike 1 – player is suspended from practice; a meeting with the directors, parents, and player is required.
Strike 2 – player is suspended from the next game day; a meeting with the directors, player, and directors is required.
Strike 3 – player will be dismissed from the team; a meeting with the parent, player, and directors is required.